Price List
Artistic Portraits
In Studio:
1 persoon – €120 euros
2 personen – €200 euros
3 personen – €280 euros
4 personen – €340 euros
4 bewerkte afbeeldingen per persoon, persoonlijk uitgekozen, in hoog resolutie en in kleur en zwart-wit.
Individuele foto’s en groepsfoto’s bij fotoshoots van 2 of meer personen.
Meerprijs van €20 euro per extra gekozen foto.
€50 euro toeslag voor een fotoshoot op andere, eigen gekozen locatie.
Picture Perfect Photoshoot
€80 euro pp
Fotoshoot op jou gekozen locatie.
Minimaal 3 en maximaal 8 personen.
3 licht bewerkt afbeeldingen per persoon in hoog resolutie, persoonlijk uitgekozen en in kleur en zwart-wit.
Meerprijs van €20 euro per extra gekozen foto.
€50 euro toeslag voor locaties buiten Twente.
Legacy Portraits
1 persoon – €150
2 personen – €250
Portretten, binnen en buiten gefotografeerd op locatie.
Gezin/Familie – €375
Portretten van 1 of 2 personen binnen gefotografeerd op locatie.
Portretten van iedereen buiten gefotografeerd op locatie.
Cadeaubonnen zijn beschikbaar en worden op maat voor u gemaakt.

English Price List
Artistic Portraits
In Studio:
1 person – €120 euros
2 persons – €200 euros
3 persons – €280 euros
4 persons – €340 euros
4 retouched final images per person in high resolution.
You personally select your 4 favourite portraits from a personal Image Sheet.
All final images are delivered digitally in colour and black and white.
Photoshoots of two or more people include individual portraits and group portraits.
These group portraits will be on your Image Sheet and can be selected as one, or more, of your final 4 images.
You can choose more than the included images at an extra cost of €20 euro per image.
€50 euro fee for a photoshoot that is in a location of your choice.
Picture Perfect Photoshoot
€80 euro per person
The photoshoot is at your chosen location.
Minimum of 3 people and maximum of 8 people.
Personal selection of 3 final images, lightly retouched in high resolution, delivered digitally in colour and black and white.
An additional €20 euro for each extra image over the included 3 images.
€50 euro fee for a Photoshoot that is outside of the Twente Area.
Legacy Portraits
1 person – €150 euros
2 people – €250 euros
Includes: portraits inside and outside, on location.
Family – €375 euros
Includes: portraits of the person/couple inside and outside,
and portraits of the whole family outside at your chosen location.
Gift Cards
Gift cards are available and custom made to your wishes.